Aaj Ki Taza Khabar (2002)

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Movie Cover Details

Actors: Radha Saluja, Kiran Kumar, I.S. Johar
Directors: Rajendra Bhatia
Format: DTS Surround Sound, PAL
Language: Hindi
Region: Region 5 (Read more about DVD formats.)
Rated: U (Universal)
Studio: Eagle
Product Release Date: 30 April 2014

Movie Summary

Sunil Mehta gets stuck in a giant ferris wheel with an attractive young woman all night due to power failure. He arrives home the next day, and meets a very suspicious wife, Geeta, who knows that he has been up to no good. She refuses to believe his story about the stalled ferris wheel, and he invents a story about spending the night with a fictitious friend named Champak Boomia. Geeta does not believe that he ever has a friend by that name, and decides to write to him to come and visit her. Sunil then convinces his friend, Amit Desai, to pretend that he is Champak, and thus convince Geeta that he was indeed telling the truth. Amit agrees to do so, and everything goes according to plan - until a real and amorous Champak Boomia shows up - resulting in hilarious chaos.

Ratings & Reviews

This movie has been rated by 4 customers on Amazon; with the average ratings of 3.5 out of 5.

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