Bobby (2010)

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Movie Cover Details

Actors: Rishi Kapoor, Prremnath, Pran, Dimple, Durga Khote
Directors: Raj Kapoor
Language: Hindi
Subtitles: English
Region: All Regions
Number of discs: 1
Rated: U (Universal)
Studio: Shemaroo
Product Release Date: 4 Jan 2010

Movie Summary

Mr. Nath lives a very wealthy lifestyle in India along with his wife, Sushma, and a 6 year old son, Raj. Both he and Sushma lead a very busy life, so much so that they have no quality time to spend with Raj, leaving his care, even breast-feeding, to their maidservant, Mrs. Braganza, who Raj regards as his mother. When Mr. Nath finds Raj to be precocious, he has him enrolled in a distant boarding school. When Raj returns after 12 years, he does not find any change, save that Mrs. Braganza does not work there anymore as she has been fired by Sushma. At his 18th birthday party, he meets with flirtatious Nima, and this is when he sets his eyes on Bobby, Mrs. Braganza's 16 year old granddaughter, and falls head over heels in love with her. To his delight he finds that she also loves him, much to the chagrin of his parents, who agree to meet with Bobby's dad, Jack, and Mrs. Braganza, but humiliate them. This does not deter Raj and Bobby and they continue to meet, so much so that Mr. Nath instructs him not to leave the house or he will have him and the entire Braganza family arrested if they attempt to get the young couple married, as they are minors and must attain the age of 21 to be married. Raj decides to wait for 2 more years and accordingly writes to Bobby. Raj will soon realize that his parents have already selected a wife for him, in the shape and form of Alka Sharma, the only daughter of wealthy Mr. Sharma. Watch what impact this has on Raj on the occasion of his surprise engagement to Alka.

Ratings & Reviews

This movie has been rated by 11 customers on Amazon; with the average ratings of 3.4 out of 5.

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