Gharana (2000)

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Movie Cover Details

Actors: Rajendra Kumar, Asha Parekh, Raaj Kumar, Devika Guha
Directors: S.S. Vasan
Language: Hindi
Region: Region 5 (Read more about DVD formats.)
Number of discs: 1
Rated: U (Universal)
Studio: Ultra
Product Release Date: 18 Jan 2000

Movie Summary

Prem Babu (Shreeram Lagoo) is a famous jeweller of the city. `Together we share our joys, together we share our sorrows is the tradition of his family. . . . . . . Prem Babu (Shreeram Lagoo) is a famous jeweller of the city. `Together we share our joys, together we share our sorrows is the tradition of his family. He is leading a happy life with his wife Laxmi (Tanuja), daughter Aabnoor Diamonds to Prem Babu to make a necklace. Seth Dharamdas (Prem Chopra) has an old enemity with Prem Babu. He gets those Diamonds stolen through Prem Babu's Munshi (Ramesh Deo). Prem Babu sells everything to pay the value of those diamonds to Sheikh. Vijay and Ravi doubt Dharamdas. With the help of Dharamdass daughter Lalita (Neelam), Ravi gets a job with Dharamadas, so that he could reach the diamonds. For working with Dharamadas, Ravi is misunderstood by his parents. Vijay takes up a job in `Ujala news paper. And in collaboration with another reporter radha (Meenakshi Sheshadri) Vijay goes after Dharamdas to remove the curtain from his illegal activities. For the same of his sister Sujata's happiness and to save the prestige of his family, Vijay scarifies his love and marries a blind girl Naina (Jaya Pardha). Dharmadass Partner Durlabh (Shakti Kapoor) has an eye on Aabnoor Diamonds. A time comes when Vijay and Ravi make a master plan to get back Aabnoor Diamonds from Dharamdas. Do they succeed in their plan? Did Vijay get back his lost love? Could Ravi clear his family's misunderstanding? Did perm babe get back the riches and happiness of his family? For the answers, see Gharana.

Ratings & Reviews

This movie has been rated by 3 customers on Amazon; with the average ratings of 3.4 out of 5.

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