Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)

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Movie Cover Details

Actors: Dwayne Johnson, Michael Caine, Josh Hutcherson, Vanessa Hudgens, Kristin Davis
Directors: Brad Peyton
Format: Anamorphic, Dolby
Language: English
Subtitles: English
Region: All Regions
Number of discs: 1
Rated: U/A (Parental Guidance)
Studio: Sony DADC
Product Release Date: 28 Feb 2014
Run Time: 100 minutes

Movie Summary

The follow-up to the 2008 hit! The new journey begins when young adventurer Sean (Josh Hutcherson) receives a coded distress signal from a mysterious island where no island should exist a place of strange life forms, mountains of gold, deadly volcanoes and more than one astonishing secret. Unable to stop him from going, Sean’s new stepfather (Dwayne Johnson) joins the quest. Together with a helicopter pilot (Luis Guzman) and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter (Vanessa Hudgens), they set out to find the island, rescue its lone inhabitant and escape before seismic shockwaves force the island under the sea and bury its treasures forever.

Ratings & Reviews

This movie has been rated by 6 customers on Amazon; with the average ratings of 4.6 out of 5.

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