Khap (2011)

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Movie Cover Details

Actors: Om Puri, Govind Namdeo, Manoj Pahwa, Uvika Chaudhary
Directors: Ajai Sinha
Format: Dolby, NTSC, Widescreen
Language: Hindi
Subtitles: English
Region: All Regions
Number of discs: 1
Rated: U/A (Parental Guidance)
Studio: Big Music
Product Release Date: 22 Sep 2011

Movie Summary

A contemporary tale of traditional massacre erupting in the heartland of central India where certain villages still follow cruel age-old custom. This is where a story of passion, dishonour and deceit unfolds, where the sweet innocence of youth is throttled by uncompromising beliefs. The film opens in the capital where two youths Ria and Kush fall in love. Meanwhile, news channels highlight the death of Veer and Sureeli who are found dead in Omkar Chaudhary's village. Ria has no idea that Omkar is her grandfather. Madhur, Ria's father, had left his native village due to differences with Omkar over the ruthless pratha (Tradition) of honour killings. Madhur is chosen to lead a commission to investigate the suspicious deaths of young Veer and Sureeli. Veer's father Daulat Singh is a staunch supporter of this pratha and is unmoved with his son's death. However, Sukhiram, Sureeli's father, is broken by his daughter's demise. Will Sukhiram be weakened and reveal all to the Human Rights Commission? Torn between his love for his son and his strong belief in the pratha, Omkar promises Madhur that he would put an end to the ruthless killings in the village. Ria and Kush are also pulled into the vortex of this inhuman custom. How do the patriarchs of the pratha respond to these happenings? Does Omkar Chaudhary change for the sake of his grand daughter? These are the questions that the film attempts to raise. Are we courageous enough to face the truth?

Ratings & Reviews

This movie has been rated by 2 customers on Amazon; with the average ratings of 4 out of 5.

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