Mod (2011)

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Movie Cover Details

Language: Hindi
Product Release Date: 1 Jan 2011

Movie Summary

Mod is heartfelt, emotional love story between two completely mismatched people. Aranya (Ayesha Takia Azmi), a "full-of-life" 25 years old, lives in the sleepy and idyllic hill station, Ganga. The little town is the home of many colourful characters-Ashok Mahadeo (Raghubir Yadav) Aranya's Whacky father who is the head of hte local fan club of Kishore Kumar, the fiery Gayatri Garg (Tanve Azmi), "GG", her aunt, friend, and confident, who runs a restaurant and shopkeeper who harbours feeling for Aranya and Ashok's music band, the ever present Kishore Bhakts. Aranya's mother left to pursue bigger dreams in the city when Aranya was a little girl and both father and daughter hope that one day she will return. They wait dutifully everyday to see if the lone train that passes by their house will bring her back. Aranya runs a watch repair store, a legacy handed down by her mother to support her father and herself. One day a total strangr, Andy (Ranvijay Singh Singha), lands up at her doorstep to have his watch fixed. He is painfully shy, but keeps returning day after day to have his water logged watch repaired. As payment he leaves a 100 rupee note in the form of an origami swan. Aranya slowly warms up to his quirky stranger and through a series of meetings and against all odds they fall in love. But who is Andy? Where is he from? And what is his past? As Aranya discovers the truth about Andy, the film heads an exciting and emotional climax in the stronger tradation of great love stories. When love happens, life takes a turn....

Ratings & Reviews

This movie has been rated by 3 customers on Amazon; with the average ratings of 4.5 out of 5.

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