Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (2016)

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Movie Summary

When their new next-door neighbors turn out to be a sorority even more debaucherous than the fraternity previously living there, Mac and Kelly team with their former enemy, Teddy, to bring the girls down.

Movie Title Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising
Release Year 2016
Movie Rated as R
Total Runtime 92 min
Movie Language English
Movie Country USA, China

Movie Ratings

Source Ratings
IMD Rating 5.7/10
Critics Score 58%

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Credits & Crew

Generes: Comedy
Director: Nicholas Stoller
Writer: Andrew Jay Cohen, Brendan O'Brien, Nicholas Stoller, Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen, Andrew Jay Cohen (based on characters created by), Brendan O'Brien (based on characters created by)
Actors: Seth Rogen, Zac Efron, Rose Byrne, Chloë Grace Moretz

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