Own the Moments – 3 Movies Collection – Daredevil + Elektra + The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (3-Disc Box Set) (2017)

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Movie Cover Details

Actors: Various
Directors: Various
Format: Box set
Language: English
Region: All Regions
Rated: U/A (Parental Guidance)
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Product Release Date: 2 Jan 2017

Movie Summary

Attorney Matt Murdock (Ben Affleck) is blind, but his other four senses function with superhuman sharpness. By day, Murdock represents the downtrodden. At night, he is Daredevil. - Elektra: Not long after recovering from seemingly mortal wounds, Elektra, the deadly female ninja, has severed all ties with the world, living only for her next assignment. - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: A hunter, a scientist, a vampiress, an invisible man, an immortal, a spy, a beast...when a masked madman known as "The Fantom" threatens to launch global Armageddon, legendary adventurer Allan Quatermain commands a legion of superheroes, the likes of which mankind has never seen.

Ratings & Reviews

This movie has been rated by customers on Amazon; with the average ratings of out of 5.

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