Planes 1/Planes 2 (3D) (2014)

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Movie Cover Details

Actors: Carlos Alazraqui, Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, Ed Harris, Julie Bowen
Directors: Klay Hall, Roberts Gannaway
Language: English
Region: All Regions
Number of discs: 2
Rated: U (Universal)
Studio: Sony DADC
Product Release Date: 18 Dec 2014
Run Time: 174 minutes

Movie Summary

Planes 1 - Dusty Crophopper is a little cropduster plane with a fear of heights and a crazy dream of being a racer. While his friends need convincing, Dusty gets the training he needs from Skipper, a veteran fighter, and qualifies for the Wings Across the World race. In the event, Dusty finds competitors who soon learn that there is something special about this underdog as he is tested to his physical and emotional limits. In doing so, Dusty soon finds enemies, and more importantly friends, who are inspired by his dream. In the face of all obstacles, the winner of this air race will be anyone's guess.Planes 2 - When world-famous air racer Dusty learns that his engine is damaged and he may never race again, he must shift gears and is launched into the world of aerial firefighting. Dusty joins forces with veteran fire and rescue helicopter Blade Ranger and his team, a bunch of all-terrain vehicles known as The Smokejumpers. Together, the fearless team battles a massive wildfire, and Dusty learns what it takes to become a true hero.

Ratings & Reviews

This movie has been rated by 4 customers on Amazon; with the average ratings of 3.9 out of 5.

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